Tuesday, March 1, 2011

07 Brendon Goh Chapter 5 compre questions

  1. Joey’s Pain


Turn to page 146, do the ‘Where do you stand’ quiz.

Yes because I have seen my friends teasing other friends but I did not do anything to stop them, but just look. I feel that it is not right, but sometimes it is hard, because we also sometimes joke around and have fun about other people.


  • Why should Joey feel ashamed when he came back to school?
  • He tried to kill himself, which is not what a normal person to do, he had too much stress, difficulty and problems, and he could not take it anymore.
  • The author of the article said ‘ I don’t know whatever happened to him’. What do you think happened to Joey?
  • He got too stressed and feel that he is odd one out, and had learning problems, mental problems and feel that he does not belong here and want to kill himself to try and end all this problems and suffering.


  • If you were Maggie Jo Kundla who wrote this article, and you felt so strongly that you have to contact Joey to try say you were sorry, what are the possible things you could you do to find him?
  • I would go to the police and ask if I could visit him or ask for information about him, as the police would have a record. I will go and visit him and have a chat and apologize, or maybe talk to him over the phone or through e mail.
  1. Memoirs of a Ganger


  • Why do you think people join a clique or group or gang?
  • People are curious, or want to be in a group to be better, and there will be people to help you, while others is for fun and some is they want to know what is gang about.


  • How long was Jessie in the group before she realized she was really not welcomed and wanted by the rest of the girls?
  • It took her quite a while to know that she was not welcomed.
  • List three ways in this article that showed that the author of this article, Terry, was a bully or unkind and disrespectful to her peers.
  • She did not do anything while others are bullying other people, talk bad about other people when they are not present and did nothing to help her friend and stop other people from saying bad things about her friend.


  • Why didn’t Terry leave the clique when she knew it was not a very healthy one?
  • She did not want to leave as she feels that is her only friends and she needs to do something and find more friends to socialize with.
  1. Hung Out to Dry


  • Consider the friends /classmates or people you spend time with. Do you think that they are healthy for you?
  • Some are healthy as we do work together, play sports and we do not do wrong or bad things. We have fun and do our work. Other might not be so healthy as they like to talk bad about people and a little mischievous, but I have fun playing sports with them.


  • In your own words, say what you think ‘five finger discounted’ means.
  • It means discounted 50 percent as there are 5 fingers and each finger represents ten percent, and half prices is a lot in terms or expensive goods.
  • Lindsey ‘was speechless’ when her two ‘best friends’ didn’t say a word to help me her out and left the store in the clear. Why was she reacting this way?
  • Her friends was the one who gave her the items and they did not help her get out of trouble and did not care about her.
  • Although it was her mom who forbade Lindsey to talk to K.C. and Sarah, why would she be ashamed to talk to her two friends even if she could?
  • She had to take the blame for doing something very wrong, like stealing when it is not her fault, and she would be shy to interact with them or be afraid of them knowing that they are capable of such things.


  • What would be some possible warning signs that your friends may not be good for you?
  • When they suddenly change the way that we interact, that means something is not very right as people personality do not change overnight, and we must watch out for everyone.
  1. Forgiving the Unforgivable


  • What would you deem to be one thing that you would never expect a good friend would do to you?
  • It would be that a good friend put be in a bad or embarrassing situation without helping me, and making me take the blame when it is not my fault because I did not do anything wrong.


  • How was Alison different from Andi?
  • Alison can forgive people and let go, but Andi could not.


  • Do you think it was acceptable that Alison ‘hooked up’ with Andi’s ex-boy friend? Give reason(s) to support your answer.
  • Yes, it is acceptable as it is a different person and Andi might not like him, but he has to adapt because it is Alison’s and andi cannot make any decision about it.
  • Andi ‘decided to forgive’ her friend? What are you thoughts about this decision?
  • It is good that she managed to forgive as we should all forgive and not keep all the anger in us, and it will not be good for our body, then we will feel stress and pressurized and cannot perform that well and become less efficient and cannot concentrate that much about your daily life and work.
  1. You to Blame


  • Do you believe that the first love you’ll ever have would always be the only true love? Give a reason(s) for your answer.
  • It might not always be, as sometime later an incident happen and you might not like the person anymore.


  • What were the possible questions or words said before the responses of

1) “I’m not ready for a relationship’ and

2)“ I’m not feeling for you the same way”?

  1. When do you want to get married?
  2. I like you but do you like me?
  • When ‘something plays like a record in a broken dream’, what does that imply about the thoughts of the person involved?
  • It is very important and you cannot really let go of it, and you keep on thinking about it.


  • What would be some healthy and useful thoughts to help deal with being rejected or dumped by a boyfriend or girlfriend or a close friend?
  • You just remain as friends but not that close relationship, and tell yourself you will be able to find a better partner.
  1. Thunder Still Roars


  • Do you think it is okay to have pre-marital sex or are you one who advocates sex only after marriage?
  • I think it is not right to do that, as what if the sex cause the girl to have a baby then you have to bear responsibility which is very difficult when you are not an adult, still young and still studying and coping with your work.


  • What were the things Madison and her boyfriend used to do together?
  • They will hang out, have fun and watch movies together and enjoy time and have fun together.
  • What were the signs to show that Madison’s boyfriend had changed his attitude towards her?
  • The boyfriend change his habits and do not really care for the girlfriend anymore.
  • Why do you think Madison’s boyfriend dumped her the night after he had sex with her?
  • He learned from his mistake and knew it is wrong to do that, but he did it and it changed his life, and do not want to be with the girl anymore.


  • Why do you think ‘Thunder Still Roars’ was chosen as the title for this article?
  • It is because no matter what happens, the girl still have feelings, just like thunder will still roar, and the boy did not taught about her feelings when he dumped her.
  1. Standing Short


  • Have you been or witnessed someone being humiliated by a teacher? How did you handle it or feel?
  • Yes, I have seen the teachers make fun of the students in class by asking them funny or silly questions and I feel that it is not right for the teachers to do this as the teachers is supposed to teach so we learn not make this kind of jokes to humiliate a person.


  • After the humiliation, how did Allyssa deal with the incident initially?
  • She got very angry and told a lot of people about it to vent her anger.
  • What did Allyssa finally take away from that same incident?
  • She learnt that it was the wrong thing to do and she learn that she should just bare with it.


  • What would be one thing you wished your teachers would do better in their treatment of students. Why?
  • I wish they would understand the students better, sometime we have a lot of work and stress to do, with tests coming up and CCAs training very tiring, they still give quite a number of homework to do, which makes me feel very stress and pressurized, then I cannot fully concentrate and give my 100 percent.
  • If you had the good fortune of only meeting teachers who treated you well all these years, what would be the one thing you would want your teachers to keep doing?
  • I would want them to know and students well and help them out as much as possible so that we can learn better.

By: Brendon Goh

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