Wednesday, February 23, 2011

20 Daniel Tan Extensive Reading Questions for Chapter 5: Stabbed in the Back

05 Extensive Reading Questions for Chapter 5: Stabbed in the Back
Joey’s Pain
Turn to page 146, do the ‘Where do you stand’ quiz.
Why should Joey feel ashamed when he came back to school?
Ans:He was ashamed that everyone knew that he tried to kill himself after being teased.
The author of the article said ‘ I don’t know whatever happened to him’. What do you think happened to Joey?
Ans:I think he was brought to the asylum and would be counseled.
If you were Maggie Jo Kundla who wrote this article, and you felt so strongly that you have to contact Joey to try say you were sorry, what are the possible things you could you do to find him?
Ans:I could ask my teacher to where Joey is and visit him or if the teacher does not know, could check yellow pages for the address of Joey’s family and visit them.
Memoirs of a Ganger
Why do you think people join a clique or group or gang?
I think they join it so that they would not be left out, think that they have lots of friends and feel a sense of security.
How long was Jessie in the group before she realized she was really not welcomed and wanted by the rest of the girls?
Ans: She was in the group for two years.
List three ways in this article that showed that the author of this article, Terry, was a bully or unkind and disrespectful to her peers.
Ans: She followed the rest of the clique and ignored Jessie. Although she did not follow her friends and badmouthed one of her friends. She did not try to stop them and she would follow her clique with all the bad stuff they did.
Why didn’t Terry leave the clique when she knew it was not a very healthy one?
Ans: She did not really need to leave it as the population of the clique was already growing less and less.
Hung Out to Dry
Consider the friends /classmates or people you spend time with. Do you think that they are healthy for you?
Yes. Most of them are not backstabbers.
In your own words, say what you think ‘five finger discounted’ means.
Ans: I think it means that it is 100% discounted.
Lindsey ‘was speechless’ when her two ‘best friends’ didn’t say a word to help me her out and left the store in the clear. Why was she reacting this way?
Ans: She thought that they would help her but they did not and she was both shocked and upset that they had betrayed her.
Although it was her mom who forbade Lindsey to talk to K.C. and Sarah, why would she be ashamed to talk to her two friends even if she could?
Ans: She was ashamed that she had made friends with people who backstabbed her.
What would be some possible warning signs that your friends may not be good for you?
Ans: Your conscious and the character of the person
Forgiving the Unforgivable
What would you deem to be one thing that you would never expect a good friend would do to you?
Ans: I would never expect them to backstab me.
How was Alison different from Andi?
Ans: She liked horses while Andi liked partying and boys.
Do you think it was acceptable that Alison ‘hooked up’ with Andi’s ex-boy friend? Give reason(s) to support your answer.
Ans: I think it is acceptable and Andi should not be so selfish as she was already not boyfriend and girlfriend with the boy Alison was dating.
Andi ‘decided to forgive’ her friend? What are you thoughts about this decision?
Ans: I think it was a wise decision.
You to Blame
Do you believe that the first love you’ll ever have would always be the only true love? Give a reason(s) for your answer.
Ans: No. I think that you would think tat your first love is your true love but It might be just your crush.
What were the possible questions or words said before the responses of
“I’m not ready for a relationship’ and
Ans:I think we should stay as friends
2)“ I’m not feeling for you the same way”?
Ans:Do you like me?
When ‘something plays like a record in a broken dream’, what does that imply about the thoughts of the person involved?
Ans: He is emotional
What would be some healthy and useful thoughts to help deal with being rejected or dumped by a boyfriend or girlfriend or a close friend?
Ans: We should tell them that its not the end of the world
Thunder Still Roars
Do you think it is okay to have pre-marital sex or are you one who advocates sex only after marriage?
Ans: I think its okay to have pre-marital sex but only when the couple are in a strong relationship and are going to get married.
What were the things Madison and her boyfriend used to do together?
Ans: They watched movies together
What were the signs to show that Madison’s boyfriend had changed his attitude towards her?
Ans: Him not talking loudly.
Why do you think Madison’s boyfriend dumped her the night after he had sex with her?
Ans: I think that he just wanted to have sex with her and not marry her
Why do you think ‘Thunder Still Roars’ was chosen as the title for this article?
Ans: I think that it means that she still feels the guilt on the incident.
Standing Short
Have you been or witnessed someone being humiliated by a teacher? How did you handle it or feel?
Ans: Yes. It depends on the situation, when the person does something wrong and the teacher punishes him, I would feel like theres a sense of justice.
After the humiliation, how did Allyssa deal with the incident initially?
Ans: She was shocked and embarrassed.
What did Allyssa finally take away from that same incident?
Ans: She told her parents and her peers that she was discriminated.
What would be one thing you wished your teachers would do better in their treatment of students. Why?
Ans: I hope they would not discriminate the students. Discriminating is wrong
If you had the good fortune of only meeting teachers who treated you well all these years, what would be the one thing you would want your teachers to keep doing?
Ans: I would want them to be respectful and responsible

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